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Our Lobbying Efforts.This fund is for our lobbying fund. Our lobbyist is our voice in the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations. The staff at the IDFPR have been fantastic to work with. They listen share their opinions on how to protect the public. They understand our views as to protecting our members while also protecting the public. This relationship just didn't happen because someone sent an email, or made a phone call. This happened with the help of our lobbyist and her connections to politicians who are willing to help our cause. A state senator, and a representative, willing to take up your cause, is needed to get your voice heard. We treat the staff of the IDFPR with the greatest of respect and they in turn do the same for us. I am truly flattered when they take our suggestions and implement them into law for our profession. I cannot promise that future staff will treat us the same as this staff is treating us, but I can promise you that without the proper lobbyist and politicians in our corner, we would not have the conversations that we do. So please donate as much as you can to the cause. I cannot share enough how much it is needed, how much it helps, and how thankful our profession is for your donation.